Third day of Ostrava EC cadet girls brought to all fans many battles in extra groups and in the group of 9th-12th place. Today really examined all the participating teams as all the games ...
Third day of Ostrava EC cadet girls brought to all fans many battles in extra groups and in the group of 9th-12th place. Today really examined all the participating teams as all the games ...
Třetí den ostravského ME kadetek nabídl všem příznivcům řadu velkých bojů v nadstavbových skupinách i ve skupině o 9.-12. místo. Dnešní den doopravdy prověřil všechny zúčastněné, ...
For the second day of the softball cadet girls EC were scheduled 10 games. In the morning, the rest of the games at preliminary round were played and then started playing games at extra groups.
Druhý den ME kadetek v Ostravě bylo na programu 10 utkání. V dopoledních hodinách se dohrávaly základní skupiny a následně byly rozehrány skupiny nadstavbové a také skupina o 9.
Total of twelve European softball cadet girls' teams came together to Ostrava to fight for the title of "European Champion" for 2013. A very first match day spectators watched on the two Ostrava ...